Constitution and Bylaws

Louisiana School Nurses Organization

Constitution and Bylaws

Adopted May 27, 1969

Revised: October 1979, 1980, 1982, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2001, March 2006, April 2009, April 2012, April 2013


Article I- Name

The name of the organization shall be the Louisiana School Nurses Organization (L.S.N.O.)

Article II- Purposes

The Purpose of this organization shall be:

Section 1: To stimulate increasingly effective School Nursing Services and thereby strengthening our State’s educational process through improvement of the health status of the students.

Section 2: To enable members to speak with a common voice on matters pertaining to School Nursing and School Health.

Section 3: To develop and promote standards for continuous educational opportunities for Professional School Nurses.

Section 4: To stimulate School Nurse participation in Nursing and Educational activities.

Article III- Membership

Section 1: Classes of Membership

Membership in this organization shall comprise a class of Active members and such other classes as provided for in the bylaws.

Section 2: Membership Eligibility

Active membership in the Organization shall be open to any professional nurse who meets the requirements for school nursing in the state.

Article IV- Officers

The officers shall be a President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and NASN Director.

Article V- Executive Board

The members of the Board shall be President, Immediate Past-President, Vice-President, President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, all Standing Committee Chairpersons and NASN Director.

Article VI- Meetings

There shall be an annual business meeting held in conjunction with the Annual Professional Growth Seminar of the Organization. The Executive Board may arrange for such other meetings as it may deem proper and necessary.

Article VII- Quorum

Section 1: Annual Meetings

A quorum shall consist of a majority of active members registered at the annual meeting.

Section 2: Executive Board Members

A quorum shall consist of not less than one half (1/2) of the members of the Executive Board

Article VIII- Amendments

Section 1: Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws

A. This Constitution and its Bylaws may be amended at the Annual Business Meeting by an affirmative vote of a majority of the active members voting. (Rev. 10/01)

B. Amendments may be proposed by:

1. Constitution and Bylaws Committee

2. Any active member

Section 2: Proposed Amendments

Proposed amendments shall be mailed to membership at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of voting.


Article I- Membership

Section 1: Classification

A. Active Members
Active members must be Louisiana Certified Professional School Nurses who meet the state’s criteria for certification and hold a current State Department of Education Certification. They must be employed by a Louisiana public, private, charter, or parochial education facility and have the administration, education, or provision of school health services as their primary assignment. Active members shall be entitled to full membership rights upon payment of annual dues. (Rev. 10/88, 10/01, 4/09)

B. Retired Members
Retired members shall be any LSNO school nurse member who becomes retired and, upon retirement, notifies LSNO.
Retired members, upon payment of dues, shall be entitled to all membership rights excluding the right to hold elected office, committee chairs, or any policy making position. NASN will grandfather Lifetime Members prior to April 2009 (rev. 10/89, 10/95, 10/01, 4/09)

C. Associate Members
Associate Members shall be Registered Professional Nurses who are not eligible for active membership but who serve a school as a school nurse. Associate members, upon payment of dues, shall be entitled to membership rights excluding the right to vote, hold an elected office, committee chair or any policy making position. (Rev. 10/89, 10/95, 10/01, 4/10)

D. Members at Large
Members at large shall be persons who hold a special interest in LSNO or who are working with LSNO and do not fit into any other LSNO classification, such as corporate, business, professional, and student nurses. Upon payment of dues, these members shall be entitled to membership rights excluding the right to vote, hold elected office, committee chair or any policy making position. (Rev. 10/01, 04/09)

Section 2: Dues

A. Annual renewable are payable on the anniversary date established by the Board of Directors. (Rev. 10/93, 3/06, 4/09)

B. Annual dues for Active, Associate, and Members at Large shall be $135.50. Dues for Retired Members shall be $92.50. (Rev. 10/93, 10/01, 3/06, 4/09)

C. Changes in the rate of annual dues may be recommended by the Executive Board, but must be ratified by a majority voting at the annual meeting. (Rev. 10/93, 10/01)

Article II- General Finance

Section 1: Fiscal Year and Accounting Period

The fiscal year and accounting period for this Organization shall be consistent with the membership year – September 1st and August 31st. (Rev. 3/06, 4/09)

Section 2: The Executive Board shall designate a bank for the LSNO, Inc. account.

Section 3: The designated signatures shall be that of the President and Treasurer.

Section 4: The fiscal budget shall be approved by the Executive Board and the financial report adopted at the annual business meeting.

Section 5: All revenue shall be deposited in a general fund account and be disbursed as the budget dictates.

Section 6: The financial records of the Organization covering the fiscal year shall be audited by the finance committee.

Section 7: The Executive Board shall review the audited report prior to the annual business meeting.

Section 8: The audited report shall be available for inspection by the membership.

Article III- Officers

Section 1: The officers of the Organization shall:

A. The President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and Vice President shall serve for a term of two years with the exception of NASN who shall serve a term of four years. (Rev. 10/96)

B. Not be eligible for re-election to the same office with the exception of the Secretary and Treasurer. (Rev. 10/89)

C. Assume their duties after the close of the old business at the annual meeting.

D. Retiring officers shall surrender all properties and documents of their offices at the close of the annual meeting.

E. A vacancy in office shall be filled by Executive Board appointment.

Section 2: The President Shall:

A. Preside at all meetings of the Organization and the Executive Board

B. Appoint all standing committees

C. Have the power to appoint at any time Ad Hoc Committees necessary to the welfare and development of the Organization.

D. Be ex-officio member of all committees except nominating.

E. Authorize all orders upon the Treasurer for the disbursement of funds of the Organization.

Section 3: The President-Elect shall:

A. Act for the President, in the absence of, and/or, in case of death or resignation of the President.

B. Succeed the President, for the unexpired term, in case of resignation of the President, then shall serve the term of President as elected.

C. Attend all meetings of the Organization and the Executive Board.

D. Audit, in cooperation with the Finance Committee, the financial report for the past fiscal year and submit for Board approval prior to the Annual Business Meeting.

E. Develop, in cooperation with the Finance Committee the proposed budget for the coming fiscal year, for the submission to the Executive Board, prior to the annual meeting.

F. If for any reason a President-Elect, who has assumed the office of President cannot serve the term or fulfill the duties of that office, the unexpired term, shall be filled by the Vice-President.

G. In the event of the Vice-President’s succession to the office of President, a President will be elected at the next annual meeting according to the rules in Article VI, Section 2, Bylaws.

H. Serve as alternate for NASN Director.

Section 4: The Vice-President Shall:

A. Succeed the President-Elect, for the unexpired term, in the event that person is unable to serve the term or fulfill the duties of that office.

B. Assume the office of the President for the unexpired term only in the event that both the President and President-Elect are unable to serve the term or fulfill the duties of their office.

C. Not automatically progress to the office of President-Elect.

D. Be appointed by the President to chair a committee.

Section 5: The Secretary shall:

A. Keep a record of the proceedings of the Organization and the Executive Board and submit a copy of the minutes of the proceedings within 30 days to Board members.

B. Preserve in a permanent file all records and correspondence of the Organization and its officers, to be transferred to the incoming Secretary upon the completion of the annual seminar.

C. If for any reason the Secretary cannot serve the term or fulfill the duties of that office, the unexpired term shall be filled with an appointment by the Executive Board.

Section 6: The Treasurer shall:

A. Be responsible for all bills and pay only such bills as designated by the President.

B. Deposit all funds in a bank designated by the Executive Board.

C. Keep an itemized record in a permanent file of all receipts and expenditures.

D. Have books audited before the annual meeting by the Finance Committee.

E. If for any reason a Treasurer cannot serve the term or fulfill the duties of that office, the unexpired term shall be filled with an appointment by the Executive Board.

Section 7: The Immediate Past-President shall:

A. Serve as a member of the Nominating Committee

1. Appoint not less than 3 committee members

2. Prepare a slate consisting of one or more candidates (who have consented to be nominated) for each office to be filled.

3. Present a copy of the slate of candidates to the Executive Board at the November meeting prior to the annual seminar. (Rev. 10/95, 3/06)

B. Serve on the Annual Professional Growth Seminar Committee.

C. The Past President is given the option to serve a term of one or two years at the end of the Presidency term.

Section 8: The NASN Director shall:

A. Serve as official LSNO liaison.

1. Attend NASN Board meetings, annual meeting and other official meetings.

2. Attend NEA annual convention when possible.

3. Submit a written report of LSNO activities at these meetings.

B. Submit written reports to LSNO Executive Board and to membership at the annual meeting.

C. Recruit membership for NASN.

Article IV – Executive Board

Section 1: The Executive Board shall:

A. Meet at least twice a year and upon request of the President. Each board member shall attend at least one meeting a year.

B. Transact the business of the Organization in the interim between annual meetings.

Section 2: Prepare and make recommendations for annual budget.

Section 3: Any member of the Executive Board shall be removed if said member fails to meet requirements of active membership.

Section 4: Members of the Executive Board with voting privileges may cast only one vote. (Rev. 10/95)

Article V – Committees

Section 1: Standing Committees

A. There shall be eight (8) standing committees: Constitution and Bylaws, Finance, Legislative, Membership, Nominating, Professional Development, Professional Growth Seminar, and Public Information/Newsletter. (Rev. 10/97)

B. Each committee shall submit a written report at the Annual Professional Growth Seminar.

Section 2: The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall:

A. Consist of not less than 3 members appointed by the President.

B. Review the Constitution and Bylaws and make recommendations to the Executive Board concerning proposed revisions. (Rev. 10/97, 3/06)

Section 3: The Finance Committee shall:

A. Consist of not less than 3 members appointed by the President.

B. Audit the Organization’s books and accounts prior to the annual meeting.

C. Prepare in cooperation with the President-Elect, the proposed budget for the coming fiscal year.

D. Submit said budget to the Executive Board. (Rev. 10/97)

Section 4: The Legislative Committee shall:

A. Consist of not less than 3 members appointed by the President. Chairperson shall serve as the official liaison of the Executive Board on legislative matters.

B. Review all proposed legislation affecting school health services.

C. Work in cooperation with the Executive Board in reviewing and preparing proposed legislation.

D. Prepare proposed legislation to reflect the purposes of the Organization. (Rev. 10/97)

Section 5: The Membership Committee shall:

A. Be appointed by the President.

B. Review current membership enrollment through NASN.

C. Contact lapsed members and inform the member that membership has lapsed and encourage to rejoin.

D. Verify membership to other committee/board members upon request.

E. Verify membership of each person who registers for Professional Growth Seminar and forward this information to committee. (Rev. 04/09)

Section 6: The Nominating Committee shall:

A. Consist of not less than 3 members appointed by the President with the Immediate Past-President serving as a member.

B. Prepare and present to the Executive Board, a slate of one or more candidates for each position to be filled.

C. Forward a slate to the Elections Committee following Executive Board approval. (Rev. 10/97)

Section 7: The Professional Development Committee shall:

A. Be appointed by the President.

B. Be responsible for increasing the awareness of the Organization of new development in the areas of School Health Services and Health Education.

C. Chairperson shall act as the coordinator for initiation and development of continuing education.

D. The chairperson shall act as the organizational liaison with the State Department of Education on matters pertaining to certification and shall inform the membership of same. (Rev. 10/97)

Section 8: The Professional Growth Seminar Committee shall:

A. Be appointed by the President.

B. Provide a forum for the annual membership meeting.

C. Provide for Educational growth and networking in conjunction with the Professional Development Committee.

D. Conduct annual seminar according to the Manual of Operation. (Rev. 10/97)

Section 9: The Public Information/Newsletter Committee shall:

A. Be appointed by the President.

B. Interpret to the public the aims and goals of the Organization.

C. Initiate procedure to obtain the School Nurse Day Proclamation.

D. LSNO Newsletter shall:

1. Be the official mode of Organization communication of the membership.

2. Be published not less than three times annually. (Rev. 10/97)

Article VI – Elections

Section 1: Elections of officers shall be by mail ballot. Biographical data of the candidates and ballots shall be provided to all eligible members and returned in accord with procedures outlined in the operational guidelines manual. Plurality vote of those voting in any election constitutes an election. (Rev. 3/07)

Section 2: The Nominating Chairperson shall solicit names of potential candidates for each office. Only active members of the organization shall be eligible to be elected to office. This slate will be presented to the membership. The election process will be completed prior to the annual meeting. Nominations from the floor will be accepted only when there are no candidates for any office. (Rev. 3/07)

Section 3: The ballots will be verified and tabulated by the Executive Board. (Rev. 3/07)

Section 4: Voting in elections shall be contingent upon prior payment of dues. (Rev. 3/07)

Article VII- Amendments

Section 1: Proposed Amendments shall:

A. Be submitted to the membership fifteen (15) days prior to the annual meeting.

B. Any changes to the proposed amendments may be introduced from the floor during the annual meeting. (Rev. 10/95, 4/09)

Section 2: Amendments to the Bylaws

These bylaws may be amended by the affirmative vote of a majority of the active members voting at the annual meeting.

Article VIII – Parliamentary Authority

Section 1: A Parliamentarian may be appointed by the President to advise the presiding officers on questions of procedure in transacting business of the Organization at all official meetings.

Section 2: The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern LSNO in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Organization may adopt. (Rev. 10/97)

Article IX – Dissolution

Upon dissolution or liquidation of this corporation, no member shall share in or receive funds or other assets then remaining in the possession of the corporation. Any such funds or other assets will be contributed to a non-profit, tax-exempt organization having the same or similar purposes and carrying on the same or similar activities. (Rev. 10/97)